Friday, June 14, 2013

Obama endorses bill to end workplace discrimination for sexual orientation

President Barack Obama endorsed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, legislation that would bar employers from discriminating against workers based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

The endorsement came late Thursday afternoon at a White House reception honoring LGBT Pride Month and was warmly received by the crowd. Gay rights groups have been waiting for Obama to throw his weight behind the legislation.

Federal legislation is needed, the president said, because in 34 states you can be fired "because of who you are."

When the bill was re-introduced in the Senate in April, the White House was silent about the legislation.

Today, however, Obama called for prompt action by Congress.
"We need to get that passed," he said. "I want to sign that bill. We need to get it done now."

"I think we make that happen," he said.

Source: Washington Bureau

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